So nativelib was renamed to clib. So to be fair, scala-native is v0.3.9 and not stabilised yet so these quirks are part of the territory for bleeding edge.
Circling back to the pragprog listing though, I downloaded the latest source code which adds a compat.scala file which remaps printf to vprintf.
package scala.scalanative
import scalanative.unsafe._
import scalanative.libc.stdio
package object libc {
implicit class StdioHelpers(val _stdio: libc.stdio.type) extends AnyVal {
def printf(format: CString, args: CVarArg*): CInt =
Zone { implicit z =>
stdio.vprintf(format, toCVarArgList(args.toSeq))
// Other unrelated code truncated
Then cd into code/InputAndOutput/hello_native and run sbt run it works.
Also I thought it was a typo between the “hello” and “hello_native” projects but it seems like capitalising the object name Main is important when linking.
object main {
def main(args:Array[String]) {
println("hello, world!")
import scala.scalanative.unsafe._
import scala.scalanative.libc._
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
stdio.printf(c"Hello native %s!\n", c"world")
After some digging it seems you can use vprintf directly using the following snippet:
import scala.scalanative.unsafe._
import scala.scalanative.libc._
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
Zone { implicit z =>
stdio.vprintf(c"Hello native %s!\n", toCVarArgList(c"world"))
Using vprintf gave me the error “Given method requires an implicit zone”.