Modern front-end development for Rails, second edition - Struggling to get the first chapter to work

After running /bin/setup, the first error was: The foreman' command exists in these Ruby versions: That was easy to fix: gem install foreman`

Then 2 more:
/bin/sh: tailwindcss: command not found
/bin/sh: esbuild: command not found
Fixed with yarn add tailwindcss and yarn add esbuild

Then bin/dev lead to new troubles: ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [POST] "/rails/live/reload")
Looking at localhost:3000, I see that Rails is running, but I don’t see the app.

What could be wrong here?

What branch of the code did you start with? (You might want to start with chapter_01_02, if you haven’t – the earlier branch doesn’t have an app to see, really, it’s just the skeleton.)

My app doesn’t use live reload, so I’m not sure what’s looking for it there?

What do you see at localhost:3000? If you are on chapter_01/01, there isn’t anything else to see?



Hi Noel,

Thanks for the quick reaction. I started on branch 1. Working from branch 2 works like a charm!

met vriendelijke groet, André

Very loosely related to the above.:point_up_2:t3:Running bin/dev on page 173 failed to run - the foreman command could not be found. However gem list foreman indicated the foreman gem was installed. Closing the current terminal window and opening a new one turned out to be the simple fix. :+1:t3: