Modern Front-End Development for Rails: B7 pg 164 server JSON ids are numbers causing javascript Array#includes to always return false

After completing the section Using Data in Stimulus (ends pg 167), I noticed something wrong with Ajax updates. After running the rake task to sell out concerts, things looked fine on initial browser load:

but after Ajax it would change from “Sold Out” to “0 Tickets Remaining”:

The data attributes looked like this:

So concertSoldOutValue was suspiciously being set to false. The issue is that Array#includes is called with a string on an array of numbers (always false):

      concertElement.dataset.concertSoldOutValue = soldOutConcertIds.includes(
typeof soldOutConcertIds[0]:  number

The ids coming from the server JSON are numbers. One solution is to convert the ids to a string:

class SoldOutConcertsController < ApplicationController
  def show
    concerts = Concert.includes(:venue, gigs: :band).all
    sold_out_concert_ids = concerts
    render(json: {sold_out_concert_ids: sold_out_concert_ids})

Perhaps TypeScript could be leveraged to prevent this kind of bug?

This is a really great catch, I’ll fix it in the next update.