Finally, I am going to enhance my css skills!
I have always somehow ignored this, but now I finally decided to understand animations, transitions, gradients, and other stuff.
Traditionally, people have used CSS frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation because for the most part they took the headache out of browser compatibility.
One of the things I am excited about the Devtalk replacement (if we go ahead with it) is that since most developers usually keep their browsers relatively recent, we can use CSS Grid and Flexbox instead of a framework like Foundation so I would personally recommend learning CSS Grid and Flexbox
I’m in developer love with Tailwind CSS right now. It’s really improved my velocity and has helped me make things responsive in a way I never truly had the time or patience for before.
In a nutshell, instead of writing CSS you use a whole lot of little utility classes in your HTML to style the page. This definitely makes your markup messier, but not having to write your own CSS and not having to switch back and forth between your template and a CSS file more than makes up for it.
Tailwind looks really good Greg - I’m definitely going to check it out before deciding what to use for my next project
So, you can create your own reusable css “classes-functions” with @apply directive, right? I like this kind of “functional css” approach
Yep, once I’ve got something designed the way I like it, I use @apply to create a single class for it that I can reuse throughout the application. Cleans up the messy markup a bit too.
I’m using Bootstrap since some years ago we used it for a project in my company, I keep hearing good things about Tailwind, but until now I stuck to Bootstrap just because I was too lazy to dig into something new