Microsoft's mega-deal worries small video game makers

Indie games developers are nervous they will be squeezed out if the big firms’ dominance grows.

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They don’t have much to worry about IMO. I know several hardcore Battlefield and Call of Duty fans that blindly preordered each version of the game the same week this became possible. Even they stopped preordering lately.

The giants became complacent and most of the so-called AAA games nowadays are complete clusterf^cks of grindy snoozefests sprinkled with a bucket of appointment mechanics – they feel like a job where you have to meet an impossible quota. Even fans are starting to see through all the BS and understand that companies just want to ensnare them and keep them inside their games for the longest possible amount of time so they can eventually convince them to buy.

The indie gaming is actually stronger than ever lately IMO. You just have to roll up your sleeves and find some good games on Steam or the PS / Xbox / Switch marketplaces.

I’ve personally spent like 300 EUR in the last two months on Switch games and I am enjoying every single one of them.