I’m currently working on a JavaScript project that involves converting user-supplied text to numbers. Dealing with different areas and their numerical representations, on the other hand, has proven tricky.
Here is a sample of my code:
function convertToNumber(input) {
return parseFloat(input);
let userInput = "1,234.56";
let result = convertToNumber(userInput);
console.log("User input:", userInput);
console.log("Converted result:", result);
Because the above code works well for inputs with normal decimal point notation, I read this article by scaler to get more understanding. When a user enters a number in a foreign locale format, such as “1.234,56,” the conversion returns 1.234 rather than the expected 1234.56.
Is there a way to improve the conversion’s robustness and tolerance for diverse locale-specific number formats while preserving accuracy?
I would appreciate any advice or code improvements to resolve this issue.
Thank you very much.