Machine Learning in Elixir:294 Axon.Loop.log/4 is undefined or private. Did you mean: * log/2 * log/3


On Page 294, cannot run the training loop. I think the Axon.Loop.handle signature has changed. Getting this error:

|> Axon.Loop.loop(init_fn)
|> Axon.Loop.handle(:epoch_completed, &GAN.display_sample(&1, generator_fn))
|> Axon.Loop.log(:iteration_completed, fn
%Axon.Loop.State{epoch: epoch, iteration: iter, step_state: state} ->
d_loss = state[:loss]["discriminator"]
g_loss = state[:loss]["generator"]
"\rEpoch: #{epoch}, batch: #{iter},"
<> " d_loss: #{Nx.to_number(d_loss)},"
<> " g_loss: #{Nx.to_number(g_loss)}"
end, :stdio)
|>, %{}, compiler: EXLA, epochs: 10)

and even changed to this:
Axon.Loop.handle_event(:epoch_completed, &GAN.display_sample(&1, generator_fn))

Here is the error I am seeing:

** (UndefinedFunctionError) function Axon.Loop.log/4 is undefined or private. Did you mean:

      * log/2
      * log/3

    (axon 0.6.0) Axon.Loop.log(#Axon.Loop<metrics: %{}, handlers: %{started: [], halted: [], completed: [], epoch_started: [], iteration_started: [], iteration_completed: [], epoch_completed: [{#Function<42.105768164/1 in :erl_eval.expr/6>, #Function<6.115020529/2 in Axon.Loop.build_filter_fn/1>}], epoch_halted: []}, ...>, :iteration_completed, #Function<42.105768164/1 in :erl_eval.expr/6>, :stdio)
    #cell:yoevooqxcl5jdmoy:12: (file)

Thanks for pointing out. The correct function is:

|> Axon.Loop.log(fn
  %Axon.Loop.State{epoch: epoch, iteration: iter, step_state: state} ->
    d_loss = state[:loss]["discriminator"]
    g_loss = state[:loss]["generator"]
    "\rEpoch: #{epoch}, batch: #{iter},"
      <> " d_loss: #{Nx.to_number(d_loss)},"
      <> " g_loss: #{Nx.to_number(g_loss)}"
end, event: :iteration_completed, device: :stdio)
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