Link blog in a static site

Link blog in a static site.
One of my 2025 resolutions is doing things that don’t scale and doing them faster without
overthinking. The idea is to focus on doing more while worrying less about scalability and
sustainability in the things I do outside of work. With that in mind, I’ve been thinking for
a while about tracking some of my out-of-band activities on this blog. The goal is to:

List the things I do, books and articles I read, and talks I grok.
Add some commentary or quote something I liked from the content, verbatim, for posterity.
Not spam people who just want to read the regular articles.
Not turn into a content junkie, churning out slop I wouldn’t want to read myself.

This isn’t about getting more eyeballs on what I publish. It’s about tracking what I do so I
can look back at the end of the year and enjoy a nice little lull of accomplishment. Plus,
having a place to post stuff regularly nudges me to read more, explore more, and do more of
the things I actually want to do.

Read in full here:

This thread was posted by one of our members via one of our news source trackers.