I wired my tree with 500 LED lights and calculated their 3D coordinates…
If you support me on Patreon at any point in December 2020 I will film your name on my xmas tree while I give you a thumbs-up of appreciation. https://www.pa…
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Damn genius, that’s what I need in 2023 to celebrate unusually. So, I figured out how all the bulbs work and how he set up the program. It’s enough to change the scheme of light movement (light… damn it ), so that the bulbs burn on the principle of how they are set up not the breeder, but me. One thing I do not understand, how they are lit to music? Damn, I have tried everything today and it is not working. I need it! I already bought 500 and definitely want to finish this job. So, I need a program that will equalize and make the lights (the number of them) light up to the beat of the music?