I moved my workspace to VR, here's what I learnt

Only skimmed the article but based on my own experience with VR I don’t think we are there yet for it to serve as a setup for coding.

While nice in theory I think you would need to developing headsets that are less enclosed in order for them to a be a viable option for prolonged work sessions.

First of all it gets really warm around the eyes (adding to the effect of having two monitors a cm from your eyes to make your eyes really dry) but there are also some technical limitations with current generation that would need to be improved

  1. Resolution is too low for comfortably reading text all day
  2. The headsets are too heavy to wear all day without developing neck pain
  3. The sweet spot where things are not blurry is too limited, meaning you will need to move your head in order to move the focus to where you want to look