We would love as many of you as possible to join our mod and portal steward teams so we’ve put together some info for those who might be interested in giving it a go
There are generally three things we look for when selecting moderators:
Activity - the more active you are the more suitable you’ll be because you will be in a better position to know what’s happening here on Devtalk (either with members, topics, most recent policies or things affecting the community etc). The more active you are will of course also mean you’ll be in a better position to help out (whether that’s by making members feel welcome, replying to their threads, helping them, or general house-keeping of threads etc).
Attitude - the more welcoming and friendly you are the better!
(Being critical about tech is fine - so long as it’s constructive and with the intent of moving the discussion forward in a positive manner… just please don’t come across as rude, harsh or a hater!)
Interests/background - the more diverse our team the better we can represent every facet of the dev arena, as well as better cover the different aspects and interests of our community; we aim to try and accommodate as many people as possible here on Devtalk, and we can better do that with a fresh, diverse team.
Portal Stewards
Activity - people who are active and keep themselves (and others) up to date about what’s happening in specific languages or frameworks.
Attitude - people who represent the ethos of their respective communities (while also still honouring ours).
In General
Generally we seek people who are a positive force, either for specific languages or frameworks, the industry, or our community
If this sounds like it could be your cup of tea and you’ve been here a while and you’d like to give it a go, let us know by PM’ing the @Devtalk account!
Right now we could really do with some help with our new news features, please let us know if you can help with this