How we processed €5M in donations in 2 hours using Cloudflare and Stripe

99% of the requests used less than 6.6 ms CPU time, and this stayed flat throughout the evening and the next day. Only in the 99.9th percentile, we saw a little bump which coincided with the donation peak, at around 11.34pm. With AWS Lambda we were used to seeing functions running for 100s of ms, and seconds during the warm-up phase, so having functions consistently run for less than 10ms, without the inevitable penalty, was quite the sight!

A super interesting read and exactly the kind of use-case where I always imagined serverless would shine.

I’m especially impressed by the fact that the team behind We Are Serverless managed to build this in only 4 weeks by focusing on making it as lean as possible.

Big props!


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That’s pretty neat :smiley:

Have you used serverless yourself Sascha?

Serverless does indeed seem like a great fit for their use-case, although I would be scared about over-running and exceeding budgets - @DevotionGeo posted an interesting article about GCP and that here: Google Cloud (over)Run: How a free trial experiment ended with a $72,000 bill overnight (ouch!)

Not yet personally, I acted as the technical coach/product owner in a “proof of concept” project of the RWTH Aachen where we used a serverless architecture to also make it as lean as possible (see this article for details).

While I haven’t used it personally I really would like to do more with it. I’m convinced that the computing model and the architectures enabled by it won’t disappear but - quite the opposite - will be seen more and more in the future.

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