How to quickly navigate to a book portal, post (or subscribe) to errata, etc

Quick search for book portals

Go to the ‘Go to portal’ search box at the top of the site and enter the word book, then simply begin typing the name of the book and it will offer you suggestions as you type.

Here’s an example:

How to post errata, suggestions or questions and other threads about books

When in a book portal, use the links in the box on the right hand side to easily post a thread about that book - clicking on those links will set up your thread with the appropriate tags and section too:

How to follow/subscribe to threads about a book

If you are the book’s author, or someone who wants to keep track of all threads about a book, we have three simple options for you: you can subscribe and be notified all posts about any book in particular, you can subscribe/be notified of new threads for a book, or you can simply bookmark the page that lists all threads about that book.

1 - Subscribe to all posts made about a book in any of its threads

Simply go to the book’s portal then click on the link shown in the bottom of the box pictured above. Then select ‘Watching’ from the bell icon in the top right corner.

2 - Subscribe to just new threads posted about a book

Same as above, except this time select ‘Watching first post’ from the bell icon in the top right corner.

3 - Bookmark the book’s forum page

Same as above, except this time just bookmark the page rather that subscribe to anything.


Typing book creating software with... doesn’t seem to win me any dropdowns. I’m trying to post (what may be the first) errata.

Further, there is not yet a box on the right-hand side for that book. Perhaps that is what is missing.

Discourse removed jQuery and unfortunately I’ve not had time to find a replacement for that functionality yet (it still works on our homepage but not while on the forums) however if you type book creating software (on the forum) and press enter it should find the book for you (if it can’t find a matching book it will do a search for you :D).

Are you on a mobile device? If so the box should be further down the page under ‘Book info’ :slight_smile: