How to convert time recurrence(daily, weekly, monthly, etc) to Rrule format and send to backend? Ex:
Do you using libraries for this in Swift?
How to convert time recurrence(daily, weekly, monthly, etc) to Rrule format and send to backend? Ex:
Do you using libraries for this in Swift?
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It depends on where you’re getting your recurrences from? I don’t recall any Apple-specific recurrence mechanisms on the level of calendars like you’re describing. But eventually if you have date objects, you’ll want to use DateComponents to extract the kind of data you’re describing (I don’t know what RRules are)
How you get a DateComponents object is below. See the docs for how to extract the individual months, days etc.
let date = Date()
var calendar = Locale.current.calendar
var dateComponents = calendar.dateComponents(Set<Calendar.Component>(), from: date)
To convert an iOS date to the RRULE format commonly used in recurring events, you’ll need to extract the necessary components from the date object. Start by getting the year, month, day, and time information from the iOS date. Then, format these components into the RRULE syntax, following the RFC5545 specification. Utilize libraries or custom functions to handle the conversion efficiently, ensuring that the resulting RRULE string accurately represents the recurrence pattern based on the iOS date.