How much do elixir devs charge?

People asking about how much would you like too early in the interview process should scare you. They don’t care about what you would contribute, they need butts in seats so likely the project you will be working on will be horribly mismanaged and you’ll hate your life every day you are working for this company.

Elixir devs aren’t special in any regard compared to many others. We are in a smaller niche and we are expected to produce a bit more quality than your average JS dev for example – but even that is not guaranteed and hugely depends on the company.

So IMO you should aim at what you would be comfortable with taking home and negotiate on it.

Even as a senior programmer I’ve been having some rather badly paid gigs – but I negotiated down the expected responsibilities and the workload was light so having a sub-optimal payment was OK.

There’s no absolute answer. If you stumble upon a web dev agency full of people from very poor countries then you’d be lucky to get $1000. If you randomly stumble upon an USA financial company they might blow your mind with $10,000. :slight_smile:

Learning to negotiate is crucial.