Hot Reloading: A Faster Way to Develop Modern Apps

I describe how we use Hot Reloading with Webpack to develop faster and show how to integrate Webpack 5, webpack-dev-server, and Phoenix for a hot reloading setup. I hope it is helpful for someone.


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Nice one Jason - hot reloading is definitely something people might want to make use of to give their apps an edge :sunglasses:

Congrats also on the new job! :048:

Btw you forgot to add the link as the featured link (you just need to paste the URL in the title field on thread creation) but I’ve added it for you now - it’s what gets the link to show on our front page and also removes the rel=nofollow there :023:

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Thanks! I’m enjoying it very much!

Ah, thanks. Didn’t realize that. Is there a guide anywhere?


I don’t think there’s a thread dedicated to it but I’ve posted about it a few times in threads (eg this one). I should probably write it up somewhere (but at the same time don’t want spammers to get wind of it :lol:)