Please share!!
What did you use? What would you use going forward?
Please share!!
What did you use? What would you use going forward?
Ooo now this is a big big big topic…
I’ve done everything from make my own little mini games and my own engines (yes plural) over the past 30+ years to modding a seemingly endless amount of games in an endless amount of languages.
So far for modern work I’d lean to the Amethyst engine (on Rust), it still has some edges that I’d design differently but overall I find it to be the most logically sensible. It’s very programmer oriented but they are working on an editor to make it more accessible as well (though since I’m a programmer and not an artist it appeals to me a lot, lol).
This… is a very huge topic though, could be whittled into a lot of parts, lol.
I made an iPad drawing game for my son some years ago.
I wanted something simple, non distracting and no ads. We played together many times. Well worth the effort.
@egze This looks great!
I wish I had found that when my daughter was younger. She loved drawing things on my phone/tablet and it’s so hard to find a simple app that doesn’t come packed with ads.
What has your favourite been? Any screenshots or links?
Sounds interesting! Maybe we need a thread about it?
That’s awesome! What did you use? Objective-C? Or was Swift out then?
Swift is on my to-learn list
Are you still doing iOS or Mac apps? Maybe we should start a general iOS chat thread…
I think my nephew would have liked it too - he was always glued to his tablet (think he’s outgrown them a bit now, and is on to consoles, lol!)
Uh, most of my favorites have been my larger mods for various games that I ran on my own servers for games with friends, I’m not one that often publishes stuff as I just don’t think about it (I’ve tried to do better about that the past few years) . ^.^;
Lots of screenshots about some of them though, but I shouldn’t turn this into a game screenshot modding thread, lol.
Might not be bad, top post could link to their forum as well:
Yes, it was Swift (I think)
No time for iOS sadly, nowadays it’s mostly Elixir if I have a spare minute at home.
Fun fact - I did most of the app in the hospital in 1 day while recovering from surgery. Then at home did the most time consuming part - publishing to the App store. Publishing was not fun.