Hands-on Rust: Wrong highilight (67)

In the restart() function, there are two highlighted lines–the one that begins with self.obstacle, and the one that begins with self.mode. However, the second is unchanged since the previous version of the code. The one that should be highlighted is the one after it, that begins with self.score.

Thank you! I hope you’re enjoying the book. I’ve noted it down in the errata list; because Hands-on Rust is in-print, I can’t readily make changes right now. If there’s a 2nd edition in the future, I’ll include your errata in there.

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Yup, Herbert–I’m having a lot of fun with this book!
And as for the update: I’m a fellow author, so I know how it works. :smiley:

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Sorry, I should have noticed that! Thanks. :slight_smile:

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