Sitting here cleaning my keyboard and mouse, wondering what the weak points are in system (or even personal) security.
What are you thoughts, and what lengths do you go to to stay safe?
A few of random links on topics that came to mind - the last one may be of particular interest, we all have these in our passports! (At least here in the UK)
My biggest weakpoint is my insistence on exercising basic human rights like self-expression. Actually wanting to live your life isn’t exactly conducive to maintaining good opsec.
Big Brother can’t reliably read minds yet, so the best way to keep a secret is to not say or write anything, but living under pervasive surveillance means living in fear. Some people respond by limiting themselves, but others have a defiant streak and decide, “Fuck it. If Big Brother is watching, let’s give 'em a show.” Unfortunately for me, I tend more toward defiance than submission.