Godot for AA/AAA game development – What's missing?

Godot for AA/AAA game development - What’s missing?.
Free and open source 2D and 3D game engine

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Godot 4.0’s upcoming release is indeed creating quite a buzz in the game development community! Its major improvements in features, performance, and usability are set to make it a strong contender in the game engine market. When comparing Godot 4.0 to mainstream commercial offerings like Unity or Unreal Engine, several factors stand out. Firstly, Godot’s open-source nature and no-cost model make it highly accessible, especially for indie developers or those on a tight budget. Secondly, its lightweight and flexible design is great for smaller projects or mobile games, though it might still lag behind in terms of high-end graphics and performance capabilities offered by commercial engines. Lastly, the usability improvements and enhanced features in Godot 4.0 are expected to bridge some gaps, but its community-driven support and documentation might not yet match the extensive resources available for its commercial counterparts. Overall, Godot 4.0 seems poised to offer a viable alternative for many developers, but whether it fully matches up to the likes of Unity or Unreal may depend on the specific needs and scale of the project."

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Sounds good. I had just started to get into Unity when they created a big disaster with their pricing. I gave up on Unity (can’t use software that charges based on a percentage of revenue) but am planning to experiment with Godot soon.

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Hi All, Which platform is Godot 4.0 good for? I want to develop for mobile.

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