On page 43, changes were made to the Genetic.crossover function to support a new shiny Chromosome struct.
On page 93, the code does not have these changes anymore, but the code should probably be in the same state as page 43 at this point.
On page 43, changes were made to the Genetic.crossover function to support a new shiny Chromosome struct.
On page 93, the code does not have these changes anymore, but the code should probably be in the same state as page 43 at this point.
You are correct, the code should show:
def crossover(population, opts \\ []) do
|> Enum.reduce([],
fn {p1, p2}, acc ->
cx_point = :rand.uniform(length(p1.genes))
{{h1, t1}, {h2, t2}} =
{Enum.split(p1.genes, cx_point),
Enum.split(p2.genes, cx_point)}
{c1, c2} =
{%Chromosome{p1 | genes: h1 ++ t2},
%Chromosome{p2 | genes: h2 ++ t1}}
[c1, c2 | acc]
I’ll mark this change for the next version as well! Thank you so much!