In Chapter 9, p.164 the stream is parallelized in 1 step.
This inspired my to write some test some code to call a task “in parallel”:
- Not in parallel, inside a loop
- Using ThreadGroups (essentially ‘temporary worker pools’) to run “slices” of the list the tasks in parallel
- Using a Java 8
- Using a Java 8 parallel stream.
Not sure whether this is of interest, the most interesting part is the handling of checked and unchecked exceptions.
package chapter9;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
public class RunningInParallel {
// This could also implement Runnable instead.
public static class DoSomething {
private final int index;
public DoSomething(int index) {
this.index = index;
// This method should not throw any checked exceptions
public void doSomething() {
try {
// Math.random is synchronized, so we can use it here
final long sleep_ms = (long) (Math.random() * 1000.0);
System.out.println("Thread " + index + " starts on thread '" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "', sleeping for " + sleep_ms + " ms");
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
// Someone told us to stop sleeping, so we do!
// Set the "interrupted" bit again and get out.
private List<DoSomething> createElements() {
return IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 20)
private static ThreadGroup startThreads(final int sliceStart, final int sliceEndIncl, final List<DoSomething> elements) {
final int slizeSize = sliceEndIncl - sliceStart + 1;
ThreadGroup tGroup = new ThreadGroup("slice [" + sliceStart + "," + sliceEndIncl + "] of size " + slizeSize);
for (int threadIndex = 0; threadIndex < slizeSize; threadIndex++) {
final int elementIndex = sliceStart + threadIndex;
// no need to retain reference to the Thread, we will get it back from the ThreadGroup
new Thread(tGroup, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// If doSomething() threw a checked exception, we would have to catch it here
// If doSomething() throws a RuntimeException, the Exception is left up the stack here,
// terminating the worker thread.
return tGroup;
private static void waitForThreadEnd(final ThreadGroup tGroup, final int slizeSize) throws InterruptedException {
final Thread[] threads = new Thread[slizeSize];
final int count = tGroup.enumerate(threads);
assert count <= slizeSize; // some threads may already have finished
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
try {
// Dangerous, as infinite waiting may follow, there should be a timeout value!!
System.out.println("Joining thread " + (i + 1) + " of " + count);
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
// What should we do here? Just set the interrupt flag and throw...
throw ex;
void preJava8_singleThread() {
final List<DoSomething> elements = Collections.unmodifiableList(createElements());
for (DoSomething elem : elements) {
// If doSomething() threw a checked exception, we would have to catch it here.
// If doSomething() throws a RuntimeException, the Exception is left up the stack here.
void preJava8_rollYourOwnMultipleThreads() throws InterruptedException {
final List<DoSomething> elements = Collections.unmodifiableList(createElements());
final int threadCount = 7;
// Iterate over "slices" of "threadCount" threads.
int sliceIndex = 0;
while (sliceIndex * threadCount < elements.size()) {
final int sliceStart = sliceIndex * threadCount;
final int sliceEndIncl = Math.min(sliceStart + threadCount - 1, elements.size() - 1);
final int slizeSize = sliceEndIncl - sliceStart + 1;
ThreadGroup tGroup = startThreads(sliceStart, sliceEndIncl, elements);
waitForThreadEnd(tGroup, slizeSize);
System.out.println("Done with ThreadGroup '" + tGroup.getName() + "' running " + slizeSize + " threads");
void java8_multipleThreadsWithForkJoinPool() throws InterruptedException {
final List<DoSomething> elements = Collections.unmodifiableList(createElements());
final List<ForkJoinTask<?>> tasks = new LinkedList<>();
for (DoSomething elem : elements) {
// If doSomething() threw a checked exception, we COULD NOT use it as argument to submit()
// We would need to wrap doSomething().
// Note that we use the "common pool" provided by the runtime environment.
// We could also create our own pool instead, but why bother?
// Note that some of the tasks will actaully be run by the main thread instead
// of by a thread from the pool.
for (ForkJoinTask<?> task : tasks) {
try {
} catch (ExecutionException ex) {
// If doSomething() throws a RuntimeException it will be rethrown as an ExecutionException.
// The thrown RuntimeException will appear as the "cause".
System.err.println("Task failed to finish properly, got ExecutionException: '" + ex.getMessage()
+ "' caused by: '" + ex.getCause() + "'");
} catch (CancellationException ex) {
System.err.println("Task was cancelled, hot CancellationException: " + ex.getMessage());
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
// What should we do here? Just set the interrupt flag and throw.
// Note the ,ethod "doSomething()" does not actually throw it.
throw ex;
void java8_multipleThreadsWithStream() throws InterruptedException {
final List<DoSomething> elements = Collections.unmodifiableList(createElements());
// If doSomething() threw a checked exception (a subclass of Exception),
// we COULD NOT use it as argument to forEach().
// If doSomething() throws a RuntimeException, the stream pipeline would terminate
// arbitrarily with any of the exceptions thrown in any of the threads.;