Link to original Medium article I had published earlier with the same name. I’m migrating from Medium to WordPress, a delightful experience which I may make its own blog post
I have wanted…
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Link to original Medium article I had published earlier with the same name. I’m migrating from Medium to WordPress, a delightful experience which I may make its own blog post
I have wanted…
Read in full here:
Yep. Now these are the kinds of article I love to read about. Logical, precise and factual. No fanboying or justifying just clear cut look at what works, what doesn’t and why the decision was made.
TLDR: Author shifted from the Java/Spring world to Ruby/Rails made comparisons between the two and is now hooked on the latter though he does have some qualms/issues that he believes should be addressed to make the experience better.
This article makes some great points!
Both Spring Boot and Rails are excellent frameworks. Spring Boot might be better for large applications (which is debatable) because it enforces type checking at compile time. However, Rails excels at rapid development and is easy to use.
In Rails, generators make life a lot easier. Its clear structure makes an app easy to understand. Sometimes, Spring Boot’s flexibility can make it more confusing.
In terms of performance, Java might be faster, but Rails is fast enough if configured properly—TechEmpower benchmarks confirm this. For many applications, rapid development is more valuable than minor speed improvements.
We can say the Rails community is more active and innovative, if we look at recent tools like Hotwire Native, solid_cache, solid_queue, and solid_cable.
Now that Ruby supports static typing, Rails developers should take advantage of it.