On page 51 “Run the Acceptance Test” in the last sentence shouldn’t it be “With the acceptance test in place we can now start to define the business model and our application”
On page 58 “Exercise 2.1: Chain Functions” in the example code definition there is “typealias FUN<A, B> = (A) → B**|**” where the “|” symbol should be removed.
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It’s page 33 from PDF (was misleaded by the ePub reader, sorry for that) and page 41.
Which version do you have? On the P1.0 pdf version I can see both of those lines correctly:
“we can now start to define the business model for our application.”
typealias FUN<A, B> = (A) → B
Oops, sorry I realized not that is a very old thread. Happy to confirm that they have been fixed.