With 2020 now squarely behind us, it’s safe to say that the year didn’t go as anyone planned, but at Panic we somehow managed to release Novaas wildfires were approaching our homes, announce Nour: Play With Your Food for PS5, and update our apps for Big Sur, Apple M1, and iOS 14.
We have even more exciting projects in the works for this year, but to start, we’d like to present you with one very small gift.
Once upon a time, we made one of the earliest MP3 players for the Mac, Audion. We’ve come to appreciate that Audion captured a special moment in time, and we’ve been trying to preserve its history. Back in March, we revealed that we were working on converting Audion faces to a more modern format so they could be preserved.
This thread was posted by one of our members via one of our news source trackers.