Exploring Graphs with Elixir:


Title: Exploring Graphs with Elixir B4 - missing definition serialize! function NativeGraph.
Serializers.DOT module definition (Page 51)

I copied the module definition for NativeGraph.Serializers.DOT from the source code. I get the following warnings in VS Code

NativeGraph.Serializers.DOT.serialize!/1 is undefined or private. Did you mean one of:

      * serialize/1


Call to missing or private function NativeGraph.Serializers.DOT.serialize!/1.

The offending line is

defdelegate to_dot!(arg), to: NativeGraph.Serializers.DOT, as: :serialize!

There is no serialize! function in the NativeGraph.Serializers.DOT nor in the Graph. Serializers.DOT that the former module definition was adapted from.