Exploring Graphs with Elixir: wrong id in triple (page 126)

Exploring Graphs with Elixir by @tonyhammond

According to the shorten form sample at the beginning of the page, the id in the long form should be “pragprog”, instead of “pragmatic”

The basic folded pattern shows a subject followed by a set of property/object
pairs. If we were to write this out in long form with each statement written as
subject/property/object (and with namespace prefixes substituted) we would
arrive at classic RDF triples:

# Error:
# <https://pragprog.com/> <https://example/id> "pragmatic" .

# Correction:
<https://pragprog.com/> <https://example/id> "pragprog" .

<https://pragprog.com/> <https://example/iri> "https://pragprog.com/" .
<https://pragprog.com/> <https://example/name> "The Pragmatic Bookshelf" .
<https://pragprog.com/> <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type>
    <https://example/Publisher> .

Yes. Thanks for catching that.

What was I thinking?

OK, just fixing that now but it’s better to change the short form RDF (on p. 125, 126) to match the long form RDF (on p. 126), so that we have

p. 125
:id “pragmatic” ;

p. 126
ex:id “pragmatic” ;
https://pragprog.com/ https://example/id “pragmatic”

This is consistent with labeling in diagram on p.8 and with the semantic version on p. 127.

And, btw, thanks for drawing my attention to this as I see I also had the wrong :id value for the book itself on pp. 125 and 127.

:id “ben_marx” ;

should be, of course,
:id “adopting_elixir” ;

Changes should be in bext beta.

Thank you Tony. I’m excited for the next release!