Exploring Graphs with Elixir: incorrect variable (p.147)

p.147 — Ch 4 > Modeling the Book Graph > Using Maps for Nodes

In finding “a path from the Publisher node p to an Author node a”,
the book example has:

iex>​​ ​​b​​ ​​=​​ ​​(vv​​ ​​|>​​ ​​Enum.find(&(match?(%{id:​​ ​​:ben_marx},​​ ​​&1))))

whereas it should be:

iex>​​ ​​a​​ ​​=​​ ​​(vv​​ ​​|>​​ ​​Enum.find(&(match?(%{id:​​ ​​:ben_marx},​​ ​​&1))))
iex>​​ ​​Graph.get_paths(g,​​ ​​p,​​ ​​a)

Yes, my bad. Fixed. Should be in next beta.