A detailed look at the lifecycle of a Ruby exception.
Avdi Grimm
This work was written and produced entirely by the author. We are proud to be distributing it.
Inside this electronic-only book, you’ll find:
- A detailed look at the lifecycle of a Ruby exception.
- Overriding Kernel#raise for fun and profit.
- Alternatives to exceptions, for when “fail fast” isn’t the right answer.
- How to write a crash logger.
- Advanced dynamic exception matching in rescue clauses.
- Avoiding failure cascades with the Barricade and Circuit Breaker patterns.
- Five questions to ask before raising an exception.
- Exception safety testing for critical methods.
- How to create an error API for your library that will make other developers want to kiss you.
- The three exception classes every app or library needs.
- And much, much more… over 100 pages of tips, guidelines, and awesome hacks!
My name is Avdi Grimm. I’ve been hacking on Ruby code for 10 years, and I’m still loving it! I’ve spoken at numerous Ruby conferences and user groups, and I write about Ruby gotchas, guidelines, and style (among other things) at my blog, Virtuous Code. I run ShipRise, a consultancy specializing in sustainable software development and facilitating geographically dispersed agile teams. I live in York County, Pennsylvania with my wife and four children.
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