Elixir v1.16 released

A new Elixir blog post/announcement has been posted!

Get the full details here: Elixir v1.16 released - The Elixir programming language

Old news?

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Yeah that’s odd… wonder if they made some changes to the blog so they got picked up as new entries? There’s three been posted today :confused:

Only the feed’s updated text content has been changed:


The entry however have old value like the one linked in topic:


I guess there could be a bug in the bot or they have restored old value in feed after the bot fetched incorrect version. Since you said it’s 3rd today I guess it’s most probably the first reason. :thinking:

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We go by URL, so I am guessing the URL changed :confused:

    def post_rss_news_on_forum(portal, news)
      tag = get_tag(portal)
      poster = NewsPoster.new
      title = news[:title]
      url = news[:url]
      body = news[:body].truncate(NewsPoster.truncate_amount)
      unless PortalNewsItem.find_by(url: url)
        poster.set_up_rss_news_bot(portal, tag, title, url, body)

Yep, looks like the URL changed, here’s the original:

And here’s the new one that was posted in this thread:


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