Effective Haskell:

This is just a general note on UI and helping with the book.

pragprog should make it easier for me as user to edit my erratas/suggestions/etc.

now I have to spend too much time browsing around on the website to understand how to fix an errata if I realise I mistyped or was unclear what page it refers to etc.

I am logged in now and when browsing to the errata link from the books main page there should be a link/list for editing and viewing my additions. Otherwise it takes a bit too much time.

Now I am just brainstorming so keep that in mind. Ideally it would be nice to have a list of all additions by book and a little preview accompanying it. The preview is necessary incase I forgot to make a clear title. I see now that I haven’t made titles for most of my posts which make it hard to understand what they’re about. I would prefer if one could navigate up/down the list with arrow keys and maybe filter like a fuzzy finder so that one can reach each post and show the preview only by using keys :slight_smile:

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@AstonJ do you have a suggestion about how to make it easier for molleweide to get to the recent errata they have submitted on DevTalk for a book?

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Thanks for looking at my notes!

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Hi @molleweide

If you go to the activity tab on your profile it shows you your recent activity as well as a little preview:

If you click on the down arrow it will show you even more :003:

There is a time limit on editing, so if that has passed just make a follow up post with any addendums or updates.

Hope that helps! :smiley:

Yeah nice thanks Aston.

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