Dual: a web-based, Pac-Man-complete hybrid text and visual programming language

0.1 Scope

This research spans a fairly broad area of knowledge, connecting – in order of importance – programming language design, web technologies, web application design and development as well as computer game development.

The main focus of this thesis is designing a programming language, which can have multiple deeply integrated editable representations.

I present a way to combine features of visual languages and text-based lan- guages in an integrated development environment, which lets the programmer work with both representations in parallel or intertwine them in various ways.

A proof-of-concept interpreter and development environment for the language is implemented using web technologies.

Practical demonstration of the capabilities of the implementation is presented by writing a Pac-Man clone in the designed language1. This also provides a refer- ence for assessing the performance of the implementation.

0.2 Choice of subject

The choice of this particular subject stems from my deep personal interest in programming language design. This research is an opportunity for me to create a project that demonstrates various ideas in this area that I developed over time and to explore and refine them further.

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