Discord's terrible updater fix!

Hi, I have found a helpful video today. Discord is one of the most popular chat apps. However it’s updater on Linux actually causes more trouble than solving things. For everyone experiencing this problem I highly recommend to watch this video. Happy chatting! :speech_balloon: :video_camera: :tada:


I’m not a Discord user myself (not really fan of traditional chat apps) but the person in that vid just made me think of something - how do people say Linux? Lin-ex like he said it, or ly-nux, which is how I’ve always said it and I think most people say it? :017:

Polish is a language from another world. However in this case it’s way simpler. Linux is just … Linux. If we have a letter we speak a and not ey or anything else. :penguin:

That’s said there is no x letter in Polish, so we spoke it using Polish letters instead. iks when speaking x separately and just ks in any other case, so taxi is simply spoken as taksi or taksówka as a Polish word with a taxi origin. :taxi:

I always have trouble speaking for example API, because I’m automatically speak it in Polish way instead of ey-pi-ay as it’s terribly not-intuitive for us to speak each character separately (there are of course similar cases in slang, but it was much more popular when SMS messages were expensive and people were forced to “shorten” their texts). :speech_balloon:

I heard that most people have problems with inflecting (?) words in Polish language (like plural version). For example I heard story about one tourist who said that Poles really likes dogs, because there are even signs to be aware of them crossing the street. The problem of it is that he made a mistake in pluralization. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

  1. pies (dog - singular) → psy (plural version - similar change like mousemice) :dog2:
  2. pieszy (pedestrian - singular) → piesi (plural version - similar change like yies) :children_crossing:

So a sign with text Uwaga piesi does not mean Beaware dogs, but Beaware pedestrians. Well … I’m not surprised that people call it the world’s hardest language. :joy:


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Much appreciated, the Discord update notifier is very annoying, especially on a rolling distro.

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