Digital Nomad Developers

The Bahamas were colonized by the British. Many Americans who supported Crown rule moved to the Bahamas after the Revolutionary War. English is the official language.


Have you lived there for a longer period of time? I started considering buying a house somewhere on a beach-rich country and Costa Rica and Greece are at the top of my list.

BUUUUUUT, I kept hearing from people that house invasions and burglaries in the non-city areas of Costa Rica areas are a high amount. :frowning: Any idea if it’s true?


I was only there for about a month (and this was in 2008, I think) but in any case we didn’t experience any crime during our visit. I have no idea about the current situation. Sorry!


Had to try. Thanks for responding! :slight_smile:


If you spend $200K on a property you get automatic residency in Costa Rica (iirc). But then saying that you are already in the EU so doing that in Greece wouldn’t be an issue for you…

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