DevOps: An idea so good, no one admits they don’t do it

Devops: An Idea so Good, No One Admits They Don’t Do It.
The ideas behind the DevOps movements undeniably changed the software development world for the better - but by now, the term “DevOps” has lost all meaning.
Sometimes an idea is so good, that you can’t argue with it. I’m not saying that the original idea behind “DevOps” was perfect - I’ve written about some of the specific issues I’ve seen. That said, I think there is enough data and research behind the core ideas by now that there are very few companies willing to admit they don’t “do DevOps”.

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This is part of a larger syndrome, of tossing around LOTS of different terms with little, no, or even conflicting meanings.

There are probably earlier examples, but what leaps to mind is “Object Oriented”. Alan Kay absolutely did not mean what we mean by it now, which is more like class-hierarchy-oriented; he meant something more like the Actor model.

On the other claw, my favorite example is “software quality”, which hardly anybody has any meaning for other than “I know it when I see it”, or more likely, “when I don’t see it”. Check out Codosaurus: ACRUMEN for my attempt to nail it down, in a way that people can actually apply for free to any kind of software, and remember in their heads.

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