Deepfake detection tool unveiled by Microsoft

Think they might have their work cut out for them soon - deep fakes are getting incredibly good, in some cases even better than CGI.

Microsoft has developed a tool to spot deepfakes - computer-manipulated images in which one person’s likeness has been used to replace that of another.

The software analyses photos and videos to give a confidence score about whether the material is likely to have been artificially created.

The firm says it hopes the tech will help “combat disinformation”.

One expert has said it risks becoming quickly outdated because of the pace at which deepfake tech is advancing.

To address this, Microsoft has also announced a separate system to help content producers add hidden code to their footage so any subsequent changes can be easily flagged.

Rather than release it to the public, however, it is only offering it via a third-party organisation, which in turn will provide it to news publishers and political campaigns without charge:


If they released such a thing, then it would be just ‘yet another’ adversial tool to make deepfake generation even better, that’s the purpose of them, to pit AI’s against other AI’s and detectors and so forth to make them better on all sides.

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