Why does it have to take users screaming to get stuff like this fixed ESP when a service say " Tired of being tracked online? We can help."
Startpage.com may be a better private SE
Why does it have to take users screaming to get stuff like this fixed ESP when a service say " Tired of being tracked online? We can help."
Startpage.com may be a better private SE
I am waiting till either StartPage or Qwant will be supported in Safari as a search source.
Honestly a favicon cache for pages I don’t find to be a bad thing, so many ways to get favicons and you are just telling the site who and where you are every time it sees if there is an update, I’d prefer it to be central site instead of favicons being updated from dozens of different sites whenever I load. I don’t really see why people were complaining about that.
However, the server side of that should be open source as well.
Not heard of Qawnt before, tho the search query is in the URL: devtalk – Qwant Search this means your ISP will keep a record of all your searches (they have to be law here). Startpage does not leak that info by the look of it?
Are they even necessary in search? I don’t think it’d bother me if they were or not…
This wasn’t about DDG’s Search engine, this was about DDG’s browser, so very much yes. ^.^
I use Safari and it doesn’t display favicons in tabs:
Only displays when you click on the address bar:
If there is TLS then they cannot. They can keep record of the site you were using (because of SNI, and even that can change with TLS 1.3 IIRC), but not your searches. And as this is French service, I think that they don’t give a damn about what UK Government wants, especially after Brexit.
Next release of Safari will show favicons in the tabs bar. They announced it on WWDC 2020.
I hope it’s configurable - I like seeing favicons in pinned tabs, not sure I’d want them in all tabs…
ISPs here in the UK record all your web visits, so if you search for something in a search engine and you’re redirected to a page with the search term in the url, the ISP will record it. Or do you mean something else?
They do not see full URL, because they cannot. With TLS all message is encrypted and only SNI is sent as a plaintext. So they will see only domain you are visiting, but nothing more.
From what I see it is already available via configuration option “Preferences > Tabs > Show icons in tabs” (or something like that as I have my OS in Polish so this is my rough translation).
This does seem to be the case, from the verge:
The UK government will keep a record of every website every citizen visits for up to a year, with this information also including the apps they use on their phone, and the metadata of their calls. This information is known as internet connection records, or ICRs, and won’t include the exact URL of each site someone visits, but the base domain. For this particular webpage, for example, the government would know you went to www.theverge.com, the time you visited, how long you stayed, your IP address, and some information about your computer — but no individual pages.
Ah cool!
I don’t know what it means for their service, but I think they were sold to an ad company.