CSS Gets a New Logo: And It Uses the Color `rebeccapurple`

CSS Gets a New Logo: And It Uses the Color rebeccapurple | MichaelCharl.es/Aubrey (Michael Charles Aubrey).
A community vote in the CSS-Next repository on GitHub decided on a new official logo for CSS. The design follows the design language of the logos of other web technologies like JavaScript, TypeScript, and WebAssembly. A demonstration of the new rebec…

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CSS already gets a new logo, but I still s**k at it. :smiley:

Haha don’t worry @chris.johan , you’ll get there one day :wink:

ps: MDN is a good starting point.

Oh, well … so there is an official logo? :sweat_smile:

Not sure if it’s not too dark variation or if this type of colour is best. Personally when seeing all logos together it would be nice to see some dark (but still lighter than this one) variant of green. :green_circle:

btw. I like how CSS and WA are a bit differently styled and it would be awesome to see such accents in other logos too. :thinking:

Thanks :slight_smile: