Critical Programming

Critical Programming.
When I was in the eleventh grade, I had a horrible English class. My teacher was uninspiring and I was inattentive. It sucked. Meanwhile, my friend was in an Advanced Placement class and it sounded like a lot more fun. He eventually convinced me to talk to the AP teacher to request transferring up for my senior year…

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From the article I find this one is really great:

“You say that your favourite programming language is really great but, realistically, how many languages have you actually learned?”

And you?

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Sounds like a good topic for a thread :nerd_face:

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Not only “learn a bunch”, but I usually advise “learn next the one most different from what you already know”. This in turn requires being able to analyze how programming languages differ, like high vs. low level, static vs. dynamic and weak vs. strong typing, OO vs. FP vs. imperative vs. declarative and so on, compiled and linked vs. compiled to bytecode vs. interpreted, general-purpose vs. aimed at a particular task, and many more ways to slice-n-dice the huge world of programming languages. Just learning these concepts, never mind learning languages that tick each box, let alone each combo, will level devs up. :slight_smile: