Marcus S. Zarra @mzarra
Edited by Jacquelyn Carter @jkcarter
Core Data is intricate, powerful, and necessary. Harness its power with this guide to using Core Data in your iOS and OS X projects. In this third edition, all examples are updated for OS X El Capitan, iOS 9, and for the latest release of Core Data and Objective-C.
Start with the basics, learning fundamental principles such as thread and memory management. Then delve deep into the API details. Get Core Data integrated into your application properly, and work with this flexible API to create convenience methods to improve your application’s maintainability. Reduce your migration difficulties, integrate your Core Data app with iCloud and WatchKit, and use Core Data in a queue-based environment.
By the end of the book, you’ll have built a full-featured application and integrated your application into the iPhone/iPad platform.
"Marcus has a profound understanding of Core Data, and this book describes not only the basics of working with Core Data, but also how to do so in a performant manner, with explanations and examples. This is an indispensable reference. "
–Abizer Nasir, lead developer, Jungle Candy Software Ltd.
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