Towards the end of Chapter 3 (B2) the via function is implemented as:
def via(id) do
{{:via, Registry, {ProducerConsumerRegistry, id}}, []}
However the app fails to start unless you change this to:
def via(id) do
{:via, Registry, {ProducerConsumerRegistry, id}}
Here is the code that I entered as specified in the book: GitHub - chriseyre2000/scraper: Sample app from chapter 3 of Concurrent Data Processing In Elixir
I did restart this chapter from B1 just in case something had changed/been fixed.
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Thank you for reporting this Christopher! And thanks for sharing the code, it was super helpful.
Looks like I made a mistake when introducing this. Rather than using {{:via, Registry, {ProducerConsumerRegistry, id}}, []}
the book should ask you to modify page_consumer_supervisor.ex
and update the subscribe_to
options like so:
opts = [
strategy: :one_for_one,
subscribe_to: [
{OnlinePageProducerConsumer.via("online_page_producer_consumer_1"), []},
{OnlinePageProducerConsumer.via("online_page_producer_consumer_2"), []}
However, you can still keep the code that you have at the moment. You’ll just get a warning message like this:
[warn] :subscribe_to value with type {:via, module(), term()} is deprecated
I’ll make sure this is fixed in the next version