Combating Anti-Blackness in the AI Community

In response to a national and international awakening on the issues of anti-Blackness and systemic discrimination, we have penned this piece to serve as a resource for allies in the AI community who are wondering how they can more effectively engage with dismantling racist systems. This work aims to help elucidate areas where the AI community actively and passively contributes to anti-Blackness and offers actionable items on ways to reduce harm.

This thread was posted by one of our members via one of our news source trackers.

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Please note this thread has been tagged with our diversity tag and all threads about equality and diversity have special status here on Devtalk.

This means that any threads promoting or supporting equality and diversity are only intended for those interested in supporting (or being supported) by our diversity initiative and portal. (For those who would like to ‘debate’ or comment negatively about such matters, please use an alternative platform).

A focus on equality and inclusivity has been built into the core of Devtalk, and so we have measures like this in place to help ensure this message is as clear as it can be, so that people from minority groups feel safe, and, nothing other than what they are, equals. Thank you for your understanding :blush:

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