12 September 2020 16:04
# Changelog for Elixir v1.11
Over the last releases, the Elixir team has been focusing on the compiler, both in terms of catching more mistakes at compilation time and making it faster. Elixir v1.11 has made excellent progress on both fronts. This release also includes many other goodies, such as tighter Erlang integration, support for more guard expressions, built-in datetime formatting, and other calendar enhancements.
## Tighter Erlang integration
Following Elixir v1.10, we have further integrated with Erlang's new logger by adding four new log levels: `notice`, `critical`, `alert`, and `emergency`, matching all log levels found in the Syslog standard. The `Logger` module now supports structured logging by passing maps and keyword lists to its various functions. It is also possible to specify the log level per module, via the `Logger.put_module_level/2` function. Log levels per application will be added in future releases.
IEx also has been improved to show the documentation for Erlang modules directly from your Elixir terminal. This works with Erlang/OTP 23+ and requires Erlang modules to have been compiled with documentation chunks.
## Compiler checks: application boundaries
Elixir v1.11 builds on top of the recently added compilation tracers to track application boundaries. From this release, Elixir will warn if you invoke a function from an existing module but this module does not belong to any of your listed dependencies.
These two conditions may seem contradictory. After all, if a module is available, it must have come from a dependency. This is not true in two scenarios:
* Modules from Elixir and Erlang/OTP are always available - even if their applications are not explicitly listed as a dependency
* In an umbrella project, because all child applications are compiled within the same VM, you may have a module from a sibling project available, even if you don't depend on said sibling
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