Can I use text from Project Gutenberg with or without attribution in an online training I charge people for?

I’m currently creating notes for an online training. I want to use something better than lorem ipsum in this training. Can I use text from Project Gutenberg in a training for which I will charge the attendees?


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In what context DG? You couldn’t pass it off as your own work if that’s what you mean.

If you mean placeholder text then I would say just use Lorem ipsum - the reason why it’s used is because it has no meaning - so isn’t distracting :023:

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Project Gutenberg makes the terms pretty clear here. Without knowing the material or the use, I can’t say for sure, but Project Gutenberg says “The vast majority of Project Gutenberg eBooks are in the public domain in the US. This means that nobody can grant, or withhold, permission to do with this item as you please.”


Thank you @gdinwiddie! :slight_smile:

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