Build Reactive Websites with RxJS (PragProg)

Upgrade your skill set, succeed at work, and avoid the many headaches that come with modern front-end development. Simplify your codebase with hands-on examples in TypeScript pulled from real-life applications.

Randall Koutnik @rkoutnik

edited by Brian MacDonald @bmacdonald

Upgrade your skill set, succeed at work, and avoid the many headaches that come with modern front-end development. Simplify your codebase with hands-on examples in TypeScript pulled from real-life applications. Master the mysteries of asynchronous state management, detangle puzzling race conditions, and integrate with the Angular framework. Take control of your frontend development with the options that RxJS provides.

The RxJS library introduces Observables, which merge other JavaScript asynchronous mechanisms such as callbacks and promises into a new way of looking at data. Instead of dealing with objects and keeping track of their state, Observables view asynchronous events as a stream. RxJS provides you the tools to manage, manipulate, and process Observables to simplify and speed up your front-end applications.

Master the Observable with RxJS, and make your asynchronous JavaScript code that much cleaner and simpler.

“This book provides practical approaches to understand the basics of RxJS observables and the power of operators, as well as showing how to apply them to build actual applications.”

–OJ Kwon, RxJS Core Team Member

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Good day, is there by any chance any updated source code for the book. the final chapters on Angular I can’t seem to get the projects to run with the latest Angular.

Otherwise the book is great as it greatly simplified rxjs and satisfied the reason I purchased.


Hey Bothwell! Author here. Unfortunately I can’t give much advice in upgrading to the latest Angular for the book as I’ve switched jobs and no longer work with the Angular framework. It should work for the versions specified in package.json

Sorry about that! Glad the rest of the book helped.