Biohacking Books

It’s only a small excerpt, can you read the preview in your country? The preview might give you a better idea of what the book is about.

What he’s basically saying is that he has a blueprint others can follow or replicate… if that’s what they’re looking for (which a lot of people are) and I suppose that requires some hyping up (or they may not be all that interested).

There are other books that do similar, such as Mark Sisson’s ‘The Primal Blueprint’. That actually might be more to your taste as it’s not quite as hypey, but focuses on what the other things is a blueprint for humans. Ben’s book is way more about biohacking, i.e not just about things like species appropriate diets, but how you can hack human physiology through scientific finds/studies/experiences/experiments etc.

Normally I would be equally scathing of a lot of hype, but in Ben’s defence, he really has done way more than most other authors in this space, at times putting his health on the line and pushing himself to extremes that few others do :smiley:

Plenty of other books around tho - the important thing (I think) is people read some/as many as they can and just try things that make sense to them :blush: