Is there somewhere a good introduction to rust for experienced programmers (with years of C++/C#/Java experience)?
Wanted to give it a try for a long time, but ended up doing too many other things so I never got started
While definitely not a full blown learning resource, I really liked this post:
It gets directly to the point but also doesn’t go in depth, so it’s great as reference but not as great to learn the details.
@Rainer PragProg will have a book for you soonish (next couple of months) on learning Rust by building a game. If you can wait that long, the code DevTalk will get you 35% off on As a matter of fact, would you be interested in being a tech reviewer? I can check with the book’s editor to see if there are still spots (and that would get you the book early and for no cost).
This is a great write-up and the only successful motivator for me to learn Rust (All my past attempts turned to boredom after a week).
This is great news! I was surprised to see the only book from PragProg on Rust was a WebAssembly one.
That’s pretty cool! Game development is the area in which I want to explore Rust more, so I’m definitely gonna pick that one up!
Tanks for the link, sounds good, I’ll read it through as soon as I got time
That sounds very interesting too, especially as I did some gamedev as a hobby, I’ll keep this in my mind Unfortunately at the moment my time is too limited to be helpful as a reviewer.