I am learning Elixir at the moment but am finding it difficult to learn. The issue is there aren’t any good tutorial sites out there when compared to say GoRails.
Check out https://elixirschool.com @Ookma-Kyi (which is free) ElixirCasts (some are free) and all the Elixir books and other learning resources listed here: Elixir Programming Language | Devtalk
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Definitely check https://elixircasts.io
It’s a short, digestible and an accurate source of knowledge.
Also there so much books about Elixir, Phoenix, and OTP here.
If you’re more a video learner, I also highly recommend the pragmatic studio Elixir/OTP course. Mike and Nicole are very good at teaching and the course is breeze to follow along.
You can also try these interactive exercises for the basics:
Also Alchemist Camp: https://alchemist.camp
While not a tutorial, but if you have previous programming experience then Exercism’s Elixir track might be a good fit.
A very good and complete video tutorials series from Pragmatic Studio with Mike and Nicole Clark. But unfortunately, it is not free.