Agile Web Development with Rails 8: Bundler::StubSpecification

Just finished installing ruby 3.3.6 and rails 8.0.0 on ubuntu 24.04 LTS.

‘rails new demo’ seems to be building correctly but is throwing a ‘missing extensions’ warning for each gem being used. Example:

"source locally installed gems is ignoring #<Bundler::StubSpecification name= version= platform=ruby> because it is missing extensions.

This is a new one for me. Did I miss an install step?

I’m not seeing this. Can you tell me more? I’m assuming you used rbenv?

What’s in your .ruby-version file?

Yep, using rbenv 1.1.2.

.ruby-version is currently set to 3.1.2. I used rbenv local 3.3.6 before running rails new. (Related mystery that I haven’t yet solved: rbenv global 3.3.6 isn’t working despite double-checking $PATH variables and rehashing my shims.)

Try either changing .ruby-version to 3.3.6 or deleting the file entirely.