Agile Web Development with Rails 7: page 175 Iteration G2 section doe not read very well

AWDWR Rails 7 b1 0 pdf page 175 Iteration G2 section doe not read very well, removing the word while would help so

We need a dynamic form that changes what fields are shown based on what
pay type the user has selected. While we could cobble something together
with jQuery, but Rails includes another framework from the Hotwired set of
frameworks that is well suited to this task: Simulus 1 . Let’s put it to use!


We need a dynamic form that changes what fields are shown based on what
pay type the user has selected. We could cobble something together
with jQuery, but Rails includes another framework from the Hotwired set of
frameworks that is well suited to this task: Simulus 1 . Let’s put it to use!

Fixed. Thanks!